
Course Information

Paramedic IV (EMS 206)

Term: 2024-2025 AY - Fall Semester


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This course combines lecture and lab to provide a comprehensive course in the pathophysiology, kinematics, and management of the trauma patient. Topics include multi-systems trauma, spinal injury, head injury, orthopedic injury, and burns for all age ranges. This course will also give emerging Paramedic providers foundational knowledge regarding mass casualty incident management, crew management beyond emergency scene calls, law enforcement integration, medical-legal issues, Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) basics, integration of air-medical services, and inter-facility transport.

In the lab, students reinforce their assessment-based management and pharmacological interventions as it relates to traumatic emergencies of all ages. The student will learn the current evidence-based techniques and methods and how to successfully communicate and document these methods. Clinical decision making is a foundation of this course.

Additionally, students will complete pro