
Course Information

Creative Nonfiction Writing (ENG 211)

Term: 2025-2026 - Fall Semester


Juliette J GuilmetteShow MyInfo popup for Juliette J Guilmette
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Office hours:
  • Tuesday 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM


    Students will be introduced to the essential elements of creative nonfiction writing, focusing on the personal essay and memoir, profiles, nature and travel writing, narrative essays, and literary journalism. This course will define and illustrate, through analytical readings and discussion, the elements, forms and techniques of creative nonfiction writing. Students will practice these elements in their own writing, producing a final portfolio of revised, polished work. Students will also be expected to read and critique each other’s work.

    This course is designated as Writing Intensive. Writing Intensive courses meet at least three of the four following criteria: 40% of overall course grade is based on formalized writing assignments, writing instruction is part of the course, drafts of writing assignments are required, and feedback is given on formal elements of writing. Prereq Eng 101 oir ENG 102 with a grade of "C" or better